Just another day on the farm.
Bonnie and Uncle Steve,
Savannah and Uncle Steve,
Jessica, Addison and Uncle Steve,
Last but not least of the Murdock clan, Dylan and Uncle Steve!
Uncle Steve is one brave man...he took everyone for tractor rides.
He not only took them for a ride but let them
The field of dreams...
When the kiddos weren't riding on the tractor, Aunt Suzy let them play in the field of dreams...
And no one got lost !
Just another Lazy summer day at the Gilbert Farm!
Living on the Edge...
Aunt Suzy took her life in her own hands and let the kids take a turn driving her van. All by themselves!! Dylan was showing off his skills with his newly obtained permit.
Savannah was a first timer and boy was she a natural!
Jessica got to drive too, but she had a little help from her favorite Aunt
Bonnie is still thinking about driving! Maybe next time.