Monday, October 11, 2010

Ashlee's Homecoming Dance 2010

 Ashlee got asked to Homecoming by Caleb who brought her this T shirt with His name printed in permanent marker and all the other boy names in washable marker. She was suppose to wash it to find out who it was from but she cheated and dipped her finger in water and tested which one didn't smear!! So clever!!

She responded by purchasing a tie that would match her dress with a note attached that read...."Let's "TIE" up all the loose ends with no if's, but's or and's. Caleb, There's no need to guess cuz I totally say YES!
Ashlee looked like a princess ! 
                         Caleb looked great too. He even bought her flowers! Such a gentleman and look...
                                                                       he is taller than her!
                                                                 It was a good night for all!


  1. Everybody looks so cute...I love the modest dresses! I love seeing pics of your house, it makes me miss visiting!
    Seriously...I'm tearing up a little, I miss you guys!
    By the way, tell Rob that he needs to do a better job taking pictures...these are forever people!

  2. So much fun Ashley!! Fun ideas. You are growing up to be a wonderful young lady!! So proud of you!! Aunt Suzie
